


  1. a person or thing that precipitates an event.

The Catalysts series are site-specific sculptural works incorporating water-filled glass spheres that create optical illusions through magnification, inversion, and distortion. These effects change depending on how, when, and where they are positioned and from what vantage point they are viewed. Catalysts are meant to provide a focal point to fire our curiosity and wonder for the world around us and reflect on the world within.

In a public setting, the catalysts draw the attention of an inquisitive ever-changing audience. Speculation on the purpose of the catalyst is often the focus of discussion, with many people concluding they are scientific apparatuses used for some sort of measurement.

One father used the opportunity to give an impromptu lecture on magnification to his children. Another person stood up one of the catalysts that he perceived as having fallen over and carefully packed sand around it. A few people have lit cigarettes in the focal point of magnified light. At one point, having briefly stepped away from the catalyst to view it from afar, I returned to find a group of friends planning to take the catalyst home as they thought it had been abandoned 

Standing back from the catalyst and bearing witness to a person truly connecting with the work are among the most rewarding moments. One woman sat companionably beside a catalyst at the end of the day and watched the sunset through the glass.

In a rapidly changing technological society, people need ways to feel kinship with nature. Ideally, this work can serve as a bridge that helps us slow down and reflect on our deeper connections to the natural world.

Catalyst:  Contemplation, 54 X 11 x 11 Inch, Glass, Video, 2021

This series has involved documenting the work in outdoor settings. I began taking video recordings early on to capture the constant change of movement and light, and to explore the medium further. Some of these recordings are experimental while others have been shown in gallery settings, either projected onto the work itself or shown independently.

Catalysts: Sunrise, Dauphin Island, 2020

Catalysts: On the Rocks, 2020


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Bayside Glass